On odd religious discrimination complaint from anne armstrong
Recently anne armstrong and alan gordon’s healing church has filed a complaint with the trump administration’s faith office alleging religious discrimination
this happened around the same time their c hurch's site is being censored online
I point out that the criminalization of religious worship and activities began in January 2003 when providence mayor sisiwiwi enacted those municipal statutes, it spread first statewide then nationwide, and the trump administration upheld it in December 2019 as my case demonstrated.
All the while anne and her associates did NOTHING, as their healing church is a bizarre christian sect, based on the evil teachings of jesus, who’s beliefs are to force others to become like them. While they complian about persecution from the government in rhode island, the trump administration is as much the problem, as is their own faith based on jesus, which discourages self reflection, demonstrated how they garble facts about persecution and corruption in rhode island and america I and others have articulated for decades.
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