On odd Iranian student dissident action over rajavi

Recently some student dissidents at Amir Kabir University issued a statement stating they are being menaced by associates of the terrorist rajavi and their pmo/mek/ncr followers as seen below

While plausible the real issue is what took so long for these students to realize this peril, and why have they not taken hard action to eliminate the threat of rajavi and their pmo/mek/ncr associates. Had these students taken action, even lethal force is justified, as rajavi and their pmo/mek/ncr associates are terrorist parasites who's presence poses a threat to life, and had they done so Artesh would back them up. However, the lack of positive action and not working with Artesh to eliminate the threat of rajavi's pmo/mek/ncr shows this is mental masturbation instead of dissent.



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