On Palestine misrepresented by jew marxist

 If one still doubts the jewish menace to Iran and Palestine consider steve kirschbaum.  His latest act was at a Free Palestine protest in boston this past weekend, held on short notice, where he spoke but no Iranians backing Palestine allowed to speak, and those Iranians there were provaceturs and marxist traitors

This is the latest in decades of steve kirschbaum and his marxists and pacifist jews maligning Iran and Palestine, using workers world and international answer as a platform, while informing on those helping Iran and Palestine covertly. Additionally, while denouncing zionist israel steve, like all jews benefits from zionism, as his cushy place at 8 Archdale Road in Boston's roslindale neighborhood shows, after all marxism has it's roots in zionism
An excellent example of how jews lie, profit from lying on others, and why jew lives DON"T matter.


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