Good riddance firouz naderi
I was recently informed that firouz naderi died two days ago, you can read my response to his death I sent to his family, who are censoring his online accounts, below
I found out he was a scientific hack in 2011 when I was arrested at occupy providence two days before I was invited by MIT's Persian Students Association to talk with him about Alien life in the universe, knowing I have dealt with people in Space programs since I was a kid, and three days after attending a mehregan event at mitNot only did he and MIT-PSA not check to see if I was well, as I almost died from medical neglect while in prison for occupy, I learned he censored information about Alien life at that event at mit.
Additionally, he would censor me online when I would confront him about his censorship, scientific shortcomings, and backing the terrorist rajaviIt is fitting he should die from complications of a neck injury exactly 25 years after I experienced a neck fracture hours before having an Alien contact experience, and in all probability his death was a hit.
May firouz burn with ahriman forever for how he has maligned me, science, and Iran, and it is a tribute that Iran has gone into space without him and traitors like firouz.
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