On zelensky exposed

 Recently Wayne Allyn Root brought to my attention an expose that Seymour Hersh did on zelensky, specifically how zelensky is using hte conflict with Putin to personally enrich himself.  Hersh's expose can be read below


To me and others who have dealt with zelensky's family this is old news, for I and others who know zelensky's family know firsthand they are human parasites who use government positions to enrich themselves at the public's expanse, and justify why their fellow askhenazim khazar jews get bashed.  Additionally, the american government is going out of it's way to cover up the misdeeds of zelensky and his family, including those who have or hold government jobs.
If this does not spark positive action to shut down zelensky and get justice for me and the peoples his family have screwed over by their corruption then Putin and his associates are justified in using whatever force is necessary to shut down zelensky and his family of parasites.


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