
Showing posts from January, 2025

On center for antiracist research closed at boston university

This week boston university closed ibram x kendi's center for antiracist research, effective by June While well intentioned kendi's car was at a bad location and operated by extremists of questionable backgrounds who pissed off the greater community, hence it's closing. Hopefully kendi and bu will learn from this.

On pro-Palestinian vandalism at columbia

This week pro-Palestinian students and community members associated with Columbia University Apartheid Divest vandalized columbia, as images from their post below demonstrate This was partly inspired by similar vandalism at dartmouth in October which helped get rid of provost kotz, the evil genius behind the pig violence at the 1 May protest there. This is proof that militant action works, is necessary, and that trash eating marxist wimps who fake Solidarity, along with repressive zionist jew backed institutions, are part of the problem.

On the evil anti-semitsm order from trump

This week trump issued an executive order to combat anti-semitism under the false pretext that jews face discrimination while ignoring the criminal nature of judaism This is based on lies and targets people standing up to jewish crime and allows jewish criminal behavior to run rampant. At present anyone who even discusses judaism is considered threatening, and anyone who exposes jewish lies is defamed. Notice the use of the term anti-semitic, based on lies, as out of the 425 million semites Worldwide 2.5 million of them are jewish. I and my family who came to america 100 years ago can personally attest to this as we lived around khazar ashkenasim jews who told us Iran was a fairy tale, and such lies continue to be accepted as fact. This order is incitement to violence and will guarantee a second shoah/holocaust.

On facts on american military discrimination and trump

  Recently trump issued a fact sheet regarding discrimination and the american military Notice it says NOTHING about religious discrimination, for while prohibited by the Constitution and International law, the american government and military DOES discriminate against my fellow Zoroastrians and others with similar worship practices, as I learned the hard way in December 2019, so we can expect further discrimination and brutality involving the american military and more conflicts.

On idf israel map

  Some cunts serving in the idf sent me this This is part of the eretz israel plan based on distorted facts, as abraham was expelled from Larak / Ur / Mesopotamia, and most places, and the circled area is around the area where the Nephilim descended, where the idf facility was taken out by my Artesh on 13 April 2024. Bear in mind the jewish Semites only number 2,500,000 and the remaining jews are NOT indigenous to any territory claimed by israel. Typical jew lies.

On facts on american funding halts

  This week the trump administration issued an order halting funding to programs deemed wasteful and harmful clarified below form the white house It was challenged by several state attorney generals, most notably pete neronha of rhode island as shared by his fagbuddy steve ahlquist The corruption and abuses in rhode island advocated by ahlquist and allowed by neronha are a major factor for that funding halt, as many of those mental health, addiction, health and community programs have allowed torture and abuse to floursh in that state and spread nationwide, a major reason for america being hated and in conflict. Consider also how neronha like sisiwiwi has allowed ahlquist and his pervert pals to run amok including allowing pedophilia Time to rumble folks.

On holocaust facts throwdown

Some years ago I made a throwdown to demonstrate the official history of the holocaust is a lie in a simple way. That challenge is to name this family member of mine pictured below who as part of his OSS / CIA work was to resettle holocaust survivors written off as dead This relative did NOT do that out of kindness, but like others because of family connections to nazis, namely his mother being an associate of Walther Wust. The holocaust happened to root out jewish criminals, namely ones who had done crimes against Royal and Noble Houses, and the only bad part was the job was not finished, as only 1,500,000 jews were eliminated. The jewish community has the means to give a correct answer, but will not, proof of how jews LIE, and are the same as vandals and thugs.

On evryskaya oblast, khazar ashkenazi jew homeland

The true home of the khazar ashkenazi jews is in Eastern Siberia around the area known as the evryskaya oblast centered around birobidzhan. If one doubts the existence of this place they are relatively easy to contact, and their website is in Russian english and chinese It can also be reached on the Russian government's website and has their own page on telegram updated regularly It was stalin that determined that this is the region where khazars, most of who became ashkenazi jews, are indigenous, and stalin and hitler planned to resettle them there, however war and massive jewish crime impeded this causing the holocaust and the creation of zionist israel. How this is ignored is beyond me, but the evryskaya oblast should be considered when one looks at the destruction zionist israel has done because of jew lies.

On Iranian kid breaching trump's security

This week Bijan Arceo was caught by the secret service for getting into mar-a-lago I remind people what trump's just us dpt did to me in December 2019 was an act of war against Iran, which is ongoing, and Bijan either did that breach as a warning or to spread a bioweapon, considering his travels either is possible. Either way the message is clear, do NOT fuck with Iran, and anyone in the american government is a target.

On terrorist rajavi backing trump

Hours ago the terrorist rajavi's pmo/mek/ncr issued a statement backing trump I remind people that the terrorist rajavi has been causing problems for Iran and the World since 1963 using marxism and islam as a pretext simply to enrich themselves, that rajavi's pmo / mek / ncr misrepresents Iran and Iranians, notably Iranian dissent and resistance, and those that back rajavi, including trump and his supporters, are marked for destruction, and ALL those who deal with rajavi break.

On Leonard Peltier granted clemency

In his final act as President Joe Biden granted clemency to my associate Leonard Peltier, who will live in home confinement, scheduled to be released on 18 February Shame how trump tried to hide this, let us hope Leonard lives free from further persecution from the wampusheau

On pardons issued for 6 January 2021 protestors

Among the myriad of executive orders issued was a pardon for those involved in the 6 January 2021 protest in washington dc detailed below   This is the best intentioned of the executive orders, however it does not specify if those facing charges related to that protest will be pardoned or have their charges dropped. I also point out that the fuckups in the last two weeks of 2019 I experienced from the just us dpt fuckups over the westerly shooting created the conditions to make that protest happen. Consider this as many of trump's decisions are allowing j6 to repeat in a more lethal form.

On major new military developments for Iran

This past week Artesh Iran revealed the new IS Zagros 313 Frigate for Iran's Navy The IS Zagros 313 has intelligence and clandestine operation capabilities, and is in the final process of being armed. This comes as Iran has put Artesh on high alert with trump regaining the presidency, including major naval actions in Khalj, like the one IS Lavan 513 is seen in Iran is ready to rumble with anyone, including trump, and can dispell rumors of weakness easily as seen here.

On new reza pahlavi - trump menace to Iran

Earlier today during trump's inauguration reza pahlavi sent him a letter proposing new action on Iran called the cyrus accords seen below Note the hajjibaba name from the ultimate living hajjibaba as 1. The end of khamenei will simply bring my Artesh in power, and reza pahlavi is known as a fake by Iran's military/government/industrial/economic base, and Artesh will NEVER deal with america 2. The abraham accords was america simply paying Arab countries not to attack israel, which began with carter paying Egypt under Sadat to end his war with israel, and clinton did the same with Jordan in 1994. The menace of zionist israel's crimes is so great to ignore. Not only will this NEVER work for those reasons, it will make trump and americans more of a target.

On odd mental health conference planned at dartmouth

Recently dartmouth college announced it plans to host with the United Nations Development Progremme a symposium on mental health planned for October 27-28 With the recent odd behavior from dartmouth medical and abuses in mental health getting new attention with the return of trump, what exactly will be discussed is of concern, as even though the participants will see me and other local notables we will have issues fully interacting with them, and oddly the date is on the two year anniversary of Engel and Wade being arrested from their Free Palestine protest, concerning indeed.  

On truth about rhode island media hackrats

The recent issue of rhode island monthly did a piece on slanderers and other media hacks by another media hack, phil eil, which can be read below Most prominently the pedophile steve ahlquist was profiled and here I will address the truth behind this fatfag and other lies here, starting with how peeny-boy ahlquist is pictured at the Rochambeau library near his 26 ogden st place, and near phil's 102 camp st place, where he likes to get tampons to use as sex toys That comic book store atomic comics was shut down because ahlquist kept stealing kids comics and reselling them, and repeated breakins by the dcyf kids to retrieve their stolen comics caused outrage in the neighborhood, and I and others had that borders store at the providence mall shut down because of ahlquist's refusal to stop sho...

On odd trump inauguration

Earlier today during his inauguration trump not only became america's 47th president, he became the first not to put his hand on a bible during the inauguration, notice his wife is holding one next to him Bear in mind this was moved inside for security to prevent mishaps. Perhaps this was intentional, after all trump upheld the criminalization of free worship as I learned the hard way five years ago. An odd beginning to a new term.

On Iranian military cognitive war conference - Peter Khan roots

Artesh Iran announced officially their National Conference on Command and Control in Cognitive Warfare held in Tehran weeks ago I was intentionally kept out as part of their justification for using cognitive warfare was the abuse I, and other Iranians in america, experienced from mental health people because of my stepdad and which the american government allowed, hence my intentional exclusion. The abuses of american mental health workers enable the torture and crimes of american soldiers and cops, and the abuses I and other Iranians wrongly suffered are legal justification for going after american mental health workers as war criminals to be eliminated.

On netanyahu to break ceasefire and resume Gaza war

Hours ago netanyahu issued an official message as prime minister saying he is ready to break the ceasefire agreement and resume war in Gaza This shows netanyahu, israel, and all zionists are lying parasites who must be eliminated for the greater good of the World and history.

On new Iranian military pacts with Russia and Tojikstan

Recently Iran has made new pacts, including military ones, with Russia and Tojikstan. While Artesh and dolat have not released the details Putin has as has Rahmon This sends a clear message that Iran not only will fight back against foreign, namely that from america and zionist israel, but the World will get behind Iran. The only real issue was us in Artesh were left out, which should be addressed.

On odd contact from washington trust

  I got an odd invite from washington trust for me to like their facebook page This is the same bank that helped my stepdad embezzle my family's fortune 33 years ago this month, and if I am to accept anything from them it will be ALL of their fucking assets.

On dartmouth students found guilty for Free Palestine demo

Recently kevin engel and roan wade were found guilty on a count each of criminal trespass by judge michael mace for a Free Palestine demonstration on October 27/28 2023 in front of dartmouth college's administration building as reported by the campus paper Bear in mind other local media rags are not giving full details and local activists and Palestinians have yet to comment on this. Bear in mind it took 15 months to reach this verdict as there were fuckups by the prosecution and defense, and this verdict is wrong as engel and roan are both students at dartmouth, and likely to incite more of the violence dartmouth saw in October, as the return of an american president who respects nobody's rights would tarnish any possible appeal.

On tragic Iranian anniversary fallout

On this day 46 years ago HIM Mohammed Reza Shah left Iran against the advice of Artesh and most of the government, helping create the chaos rajavi, khomeinei, and their followers took advantage of At present his proclaimed heir reza pahlavi lives an extravagant life between places at 11015 glen rd Potomac MD, 833 black hills rd Great Falls VA, and 11 indian hill rd East Hampton NY, the latter near Shahbanou farah's places at 107 west 86th st Manhattan, NY and 6 Osceola Dr, Greenwich, CT, hardly the behavior of someone serious about reclaiming Iran from jomhori mollah, all the more reason for Gilanshahi to reclaim Iran.  

On reported Gaza ceasfire aggreement

Hours ago Qatar announced it had brokered a ceasfire deal with Palestine and israel over Gaza The real issue is will this last as zionist israel and their associates like trump are notorious liars who break agreements and respect nobody.

On odd contact from peeny-boy ahlquist

  Hours ago the pedophile peeny-boy steve ahlquist decided to follow me on twitter I always knew ahlquist had a fag fixation with me, maybe he thought I was available because bernie was playing with little kids balls today, or just was desperate for jerkoff material. More proof of the impact I have,yet I remind people I live the pure faith of Zarathustra, not the unnatural fag life of peeny-boy ahlquist.

On me celebrating jimmy carter's death

  Here is the video message I just made during jimmy carter's funeral services celebrating his death when in Watertown to visit my Gilanshahi relatives from Mazendaran Iran NEVER FORGET the victims of jimmy carter, especially the Iranian ones, the World would be a better place if that jesus freak was never born.

On my Rickover-carter dealings

  Few realize that I and jimmy carter had interactions with Admiral Rickover I got to meet Rickover at his last public appearance when the USS Nautilus SSN-571 was opened as a museum and when the Rickover memorial was unveiled at the Groton base, while carter cracked during his dealings with Rickover How someone like carter could have been allowed into positions of power when he could not handle the excellence of Rickover shows how degenerate america and western civilization has become.