On corrupt pig menace to Iranians in watertown

It was recently brought to my attention that nigger pig harold "tony" physic has left the watertown police force, and you can see my response to this on that department's facebook page below However, I also noticed that he is listed as still being on active duty on that police department's website It should be noted that this nigger has made trouble for the Iranian community by coercing them into doing things against their will and cultivating associations with associates of the terrorist rajavi's who's associates helped provide the Tsarnayevs with the bombs they used. Perhaps we should pay this nigger a visit at his place at 10 mount vernon ave in waltham to find out what is going on, or visit his terrorist loving brats arya and bardya at their mom rashin khosravibavandpouri's place at 9 lilac circle in groton mass, after all these tazi have only themselves to blame for their problems, and they have done the Iranian community a great wrong.